Recreation Program

Recreation Program

Presentation Manor offers a wide variety of programs that fits the needs of each resident living there. Below are pictures of programs such as Arts and Crafts, Mindful Gardening and our cocktail...
Residents Visit Aga Khan Museum

Residents Visit Aga Khan Museum

Residents of Presentation Manor visited the beautiful Aga Khan Museum on October 23rd. They were treated to a private tour around the building, learning about architectural design and the rich history of Islam between the 11th and 17th...
Residents Visit Ajax Downs

Residents Visit Ajax Downs

Residents of Presentation Manor spent a beautiful afternoon visiting Ajax Downs on its 50th anniversary. We tested our luck on the slots and on the tracks. We are looking forward to more visits to the historic grounds in the heart of...

Residents Visit McMichael Gallery in Kleinberg

On August 29th, residents at Presentation Manor visted the McMichael Gallery in Kleinberg. Residents recieved a private tour around different exhibits with paintings from Maud Lewis, the Group of Seven and work from the Canadian indigenous...
Annual Hoedown

Annual Hoedown

Presentation Manor held it’s first annual hoedown on Tuesday, July 23rd. Residents and outside guests participated in line and square dancing and were treated with a country style dish to make any mouth salivate....