The staff at Presentation Manor is committed to being attentive, helpful, and friendly towards all residents and visitors.
Care services are available to everyone. For assisted living residents, they are included in monthly fees. For our independent living residents, these same care services can be ordered from an a la carte menu, with the chosen services added to the monthly fees.
General Services
Presentation Manor offers all residents access to the following:
- Small on-site convenience store
- On-site personnel with a general manager to ensure quality service
- A smoke-free environment
- Wi-Fi throughout the building
- Complimentary Presentation Manor shuttle bus transportation to scheduled outings such as shopping, theatres, etc
- Attractive entrance with lobby and reception desk
- Three different sets of two elevators
- Individual control for heating and cooling in each suite with both heating and cooling available 12 months of the year based on need
- Laundry rooms for residents on every floor
- Tea nook and fridge in every independent living suite
- Interior parking for residents and visitors
- Maintenance staff assistance
Assisted Living Services
Residents and family members enjoy peace of mind knowing they can benefit from many desirable features.
- Staff on duty 24 hours per day
- A dining room, lounge, and secured terrace for residents
- Supervision and management of medications by qualified staff
- Daily housekeeping and bed making
- Weekly personal laundry service
- Health status monitoring
- Bath assistance twice weekly
- Ambulation assistance to in-house programs
Customized Services
All residents appreciate a lifestyle that is tailored to their personal interests and needs. Whether you’re in assisted living or independent living, if you wish added support, customized care plans with supplementary services can be provided on an a la carte basis.
All residents have access to a few well-equipped kitchens, a workshop to work on their favourite hobbies, a beautiful aquacise pool, an abundance of well-stocked book shelves throughout the building (perfect for book exchanges), a games room complete with bar, a multipurpose room, and a movie theatre. In addition, residents have access to a thoroughly-equipped exercise room, spa room with walk-in tub and a beauty salon – all within the confines of Presentation Manor.
Our large and brightly lit dining room provides healthy, nutritious and delicious food – the best in seniors’ living, and all rental plans provide three meals daily as well as snacks. We offer menu choices at every meal and pay special attention to dietary needs if designated as part of a customized care plan.
You can, of course, invite family and friends for a gathering in the dining room or for a meal in a private dining area. You may also want to meet friends or family for drinks before dinner in the fully licensed games and bar area.
Finally, our beautifully designed chapel will be one of the focal points of the building, serving as its spiritual centre as well as a meeting place for residents.